Since its definitely one of my favorite topics, I wanted to continue a topic that Tim had kind of started - Music.
Music has always been one of my passions and a big part of my daily existence. If I could have chosen a profession while I was still in my mother's womb, I would have chosen to be a professional musician (er, rock star preferably and not a starving professional musician, playing one in a set of two pianos, dueling in a bar attended by rowdy underage college freshman). However, despite the occasional 'mean' jam session on my battered 6 string and my somewhat feeble attempts to put together a song on music composition software, I couldn't really say that I'm a gifted musician. But I can say that I have exceptional musical taste. Or at least my ears feel I do.
Besides listening to music constantly at work, from time to time, I declare it a music day and spend at least half of my 9 to 5 work day searching for new music while being paid by the Man. My goal as far as music and this blog is concerned is to occasionally review an album that most people haven't heard. And you may occasionally reap the benefits, or of course, the detriments, depending upon your musical taste.
But I could go on and on. The real reason for this entry is really to talk about how music is a common connection, a kind of universal langauge. The kind of connection and language that Lifestyle Group is all about and was partly founded upon. It is a commonality found among all people and all cultures. It is a language that transcends boundaries of religion, race, or creed.
I'm going to steal this from Tim because I feel it is a great way to start a good conversation that can lead to a real connection with someone. He often uses this question to start a conversation with random people that we meet. The question is, "What's playing on your Ipod." We all know it can be hard to make it past the courtesies of general conversation (hi, how are you?, my name is: (insert name), the weather has been really hot in Bangkok, blah, blah, blah.) and get past the exterior shell that keeps us from really getting to know one another.
If you are a music lover, and I would hope that you are, try to start a conversation with this question. Generally, if a passionate conversation about music ensues, then at least the first step to a positive connection is made. The worst that could happen is that someone might say Brittany Spears or someone of the same ilk, but at least if they are passionate about it, then good conversation could still ensue and a connection could still be made (unlikely, but possible).
What's in my current rotation: The National - The Virginia EP, The Verve - Forth, MGMT - Oracular Spectacular, The Faint - Fasciination, City and Colour - Bring Me Your Love
Oh no! I hope that neither you nor Tim looks through my iPod. I have very embarrasing taste in music. That's why I generally date guys who are hip and cool with music. It's like pick a partner that compliments you, right?
However, I think it would be groovy for you to review albums for LifeStylers. I will then listen to each of them and give my own "dorky music lover" opinion. By the end, I may become a groovy music fanatic too.
One more thing... If I had it all over to do again in my mother's womb, I would so become a hip hop dancer.
Just sayin' yo!
Your musical taste predicates your ability to spell Britney's name incorrectly... =)
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