Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Get Simple. Get Obvious. Get Customers.

Marketing is not rocket science. 
By Sheila R. Rose

The problem is many marketing professionals and company executives act like it is. Unless the marketing strategy is complicated, clever and completely unlike anything they’ve ever seen, they won’t like it.

The truth is over the long run simple, obvious marketing strategies win and outlast the competition.

To build a company, take the following simple steps:

1. Develop a product / service customers need.
2. Differentiate your product / service from the competition.
3. Identify the core target group that would most benefit from your product / service.
4. Communicate your brand through the most effective channels to reach your core target group.
5. Stick to your brand promise no matter what.

Jack Trout in his book, In Search of the Obvious says “…the reality is that a simple strategy is obvious. If it’s obvious to you, it will also be obvious to your customers, which is why it will work in the marketplace.”

An example of a company that initiated a simple viral marketing strategy that undeniably worked was Hotmail.

What did they do?

1. Gave away free email addresses and services to everyone.
2. Included a simple tag at the bottom of every free message sent out, “Get your private, free email at www.hotmail.com.
3. Watched as millions of subscribers signed up.
They didn’t try to be clever or cute or edgy or hip or cool. Everything they did from the user interface design to the messaging was Simple. It was Obvious. It got Customers flooding in.

Good use of advertising should not be spent on entertaining people. If you want to entertain your customers, send them free tickets to the movies. Instead good advertising dollars should be spent on telling people about your product / service and why they need it. Recently, TiVo conducted a research on the least fast-forwarded ad campaign. The winner? The home gym brand Bowflex. Bowflex makes a rational claim. “Use this machine and you will look as hot as the people in the commercial using it.” Bowflex is probably the least entertaining commercial I’ve seen on t.v. EVER. But it works because it is simple and obvious.

Remember that while awareness is important it doesn’t necessarily compel action. Awareness without action is a waste of time.

Everything from business cards to brochures to websites should compel action. Again, don’t get cute, clever and complicated. Get simple. Get obvious. Get customers.
Considered stating “Call me” on your business card. Isn’t that why you give people your business card in the first place?

Does your marketing need to Get Simple? Get Obvious? Get Customers? Then let's talk.  Contact me at sheila@andrencreative.com.

[Side note: My trip to Iran was simply awesome. Will share details soon.]